On todays walk we encountered a momma moose, baby moose, fresh cougar tracks along with tracks from so much more wildlife and a quick hello to the beaver. Since our big dump of snow over 2 weeks ago we have not really had much new snow, but have had beautiful weather. So I have had time for long walks a few times a week. Always with camera in hand discovering new winter wonders which I mostly share at God's Garden of Nature. If you haven’t visited there already and enjoy nature and photography please stop in for a look.
But on todays walk, hubby came along. We were gone for a good 2 hours again venturing to our back field that is almost a 1/2 mile from our house. Half way there fresh cougar tracks were spotted. But we venture on seeing tracks from deer, moose, coyote, bobcat, squirrel, rabbit and grouse. Finally reaching the back field I headed down to the creek wanting to see how it hand changed since fall and heard rustling in the bushes near by.
Now I knew the moose could be down here as fresh tracks were everywhere and this is the wintering ground for a mother moose that has had many young ones here over the years. And there she was. Now some of these photos of the moose are not so good as I only have my small pocket camera which doesn’t zoom so good.

Well at this point she and her young one were separated as the mother ran off up the valley leaving the baby moose behind. We decided to continue on as not to scare them any more. So on up the beautiful creek we went.

A site to behold as winter has now taken hold and signs of fall are long gone.

So glad we ventured here to see this frozen winter scene. You can see many different animals tracks around here.

Soon we came across more very fresh cougar tracks as we had a dusting of snow last night these had to be made just this morning. Seems a huge cougar by the tracks.

Also with this set we noticed this cougar had a younger one with her or possible 2.

Leaving the creek and heading back along the road.

Well on our return trip we took the road that borders our property when across the field on the hill side I saw the young moose trying to climb up the steep mountain side. Seems her mother had circled around and was calling from above for the baby moose to come up to join her. I couldn’t believe my eyes when suddenly the baby moose lost his footing on the steep terrain and tumbled down the mountain side for about 30 feet coming to a rest with his back against a tree and legs facing up hill. A position in which a big animal like that can’t get his legs under him to get up. In this photo he is right in the middle you can barely make him out against the tree. Mother was above calling for him, he struggled a few times then just gave up. My heart was broken I thought for sure he would never be able to get himself up right again.

Momma moose realizing her baby couldn’t get to her worked her way back down and was now just 25 feet below him on the valley bottom and continued to call to it. Finally after 15 minutes he struggled again and was able to roll himself somehow and get himself up again. Mother moose is just below now on level ground. I was so happy.

We watched as the baby moose very carefully descended down the steep bank.

During all this a friend had come by on the road and we were all watching this take place. Quiet cheers when the baby moose reached the bottom.

Meanwhile momma moose just watched us the whole time. Baby moose did not go join her while we were there but stayed hidden about 15 feet from her. We decided it was time to let them alone again.

Just in front of our place near a big beaver dam we were greeted my Mr. Beaver.

So that was my natured filled day here. All these animals are a normal part of our area, but to see so much in one day and so many animal tracks. With that cougar in the area I won’t be venturing so far alone. Can’t believe just a few days before I was stomping all over the forest by myself. Some people think I am crazy, but I know there is so much food available for all the wildlife here. When there is an imbalance that is when I will be more concerned. As the cougar may have a young one to feed as well I will be extra cautious. But for now I have been so enjoying the weather and snow. So nice to spend time outside that doesn’t involve work. Seems in the summer there is always work to be done outside. Of course there is all those little cleaning jobs that don’t get done in the summer that I am also trying to get done here in the house. I have been keeping up with my yoga and enjoying it and limbering my body slowly.
So wishing everyone a beautiful day
and a
Good Morning… Good Afternoon… Good Night…
What ever it is to you
Photo & Words
Here I Am/Carrie