Well we are finally starting to feel a bit more like winter. Our area is now covered with a white beautiful blanket of snow with more falling each day.
My last post was about dealing with a cow and calf. Well we were finally able to move the mother cow down the road to join up with the rest of the herd after almost of week of her wanting to stay looking for her now dead calf. I had to go into the willows and get her out onto the road where hubby walked her almost 2 miles down the road to the next ranch. The herd has since been moved back up to their home ranch. No more cows roaming the valley.
So peace has returned to my quiet valley.
Enjoying walks again around our property and picking our new Christmas tree.
Hubby smoking his salmon.
The snow is still falling off and on everyday changing the landscape with each new coating.
Between snows we are getting lots of exercise shovelling snow paths to all our out building and wood piles.
The yard art takes on new winter appearances.
Of course the approach of Christmas has added more excitement and sparkle to our place. The Christmas music is playing non-stop. I will be hosting my annual Christmas party I have here just before Christmas. So I have lots of preparations to make with more baking and getting food ready. I am beginning to feel the joy again of the season. How could one not with this peaceful scene lay-out before you. Ever changing are my views.
I hope all my friends and family are finding joy in this Christmas season and a chance to share with someone who is in need.
Wishing Everyone a Blessed Christmas
and a
Good Morning… Good Afternoon… Good Night…
What ever it is to you.
Photos & Words
Here I Am/Carrie